To the ladies of the Psi chapter
To the ones who came before and will come after
You devotion to diversity
has brought virtue and insight to the University
You accept women from all different places
with all different sizes, shapes, and faces
The story begins with Quintessential Destiny
starting with Founding Butterfly Figueroa-Gonzalez
The strong and triumph ace,
keeping her line precisely in pace.
Doing things in her own rhythm and style.
Making all this time spent worthwhile
Second in line is the Timeless Gem.
Supporting her sisters and watching out for them.
She has the beauty and charisma of a deuce.
Her attributes can always be put to good use
Next in line is Chastity Alexis Long,
finding a sisterhood in which she belonged.
She is an amazing woman with a Suga Soul,
bringing the Psi chapter one step closer to becoming a whole.
Margarita Avitia, she is number four.
Always giving a 100% and then some more.
She has a divine rhythm and grace,
a loving heart and warm embrace
Last but not least comes number five,
Samantha Rae Kaike, a woman with drive.
Helping the group find its way,
lighting the path with her Vibrant Rae
Setting the examples from which others could thrive;
This is the line of Psi Chapter Spring ’05.
In 2006, one crossed alone,
bravely facing the process on her own.
With her kind and loving heart,
she preserved right from the start.
Christina Isabel Lovato is as sweet as can be.
We have mucho mucho amor para ti.
ONE heart, the line of 2007
was obviously sent straight down from heaven.
everLASTING Happiness, she is one of a kind.
A social butterfly, never to be confided.
She mesmerizes us with her stories
of past victories and future glories.
Ramona LC Smith stands to her right
personifying beauty, power, and might.
She says what she feels with no remorse.
She is a FIERCE Warrior and a powerful force.
PSI Chant
You think you know what a Sorority is
Lets take you back to the day you missed
At UNM in 2005,
five precious ladies started the chapter of Psi.
Im talking about Theta Nu Xi
Is who we are,
for all you greeks we are setting the bar.
With different
races, cultures, ethnicities,
Multiculturalism is our priority.
So from all you heard lets get one thing straight
We're Theta Nus
so please don't hate.